
Acadia Cares


Our involvement

Story development, interview, filming, editing, color grading, and motion design

Youth Suicide Prevention

It Can Happen To Anyone.

Northern Light Acadia Hospital came to us with an idea to create a series of videos that highlight youth mental health issues and could be used as resources for parents, educators, and guardians.

The series, titled Acadia CARES, stands for Child-Adolescent Resource and Educational Series and follows young people as they address topics such as eating disorders, bullying, anxiety, sexual identity, substance abuse, and resiliency. The video series provides adults with important, expert information that can be used to keep children and teens safe. The series has now been shared nationwide.


In 2020, the New England Society for Healthcare Communications (NESHCo) awarded Northern Light Acadia Hospital with two awards for this series; Gold in Best Health Promotion Campaign as well as the Best in New England Award, applauding it as a “much needed campaign.”

If you are concerned about yourself or about somebody else, please contact the Maine Crisis Hotline at 1-888-568-1112, or the Crisis Text Line at 741741.


Eating disorder

substance use


